Trooper, Joy Lynn White and More Artists
Holcombe at Jeze-Belles Concert Series
Cooper At Jeze-Belles
Black with Duane Jarvis, Billy Block andEric
Coffee House, Johnson City, TN
theresa halfacre promotions
Unnofficial Half
Did it Together

A Day For Hope ...
The moon's ahead of us and the sun is rising behind ... already, the blessings have begun. Trust me, Carole, we can trust the GPS. She doesn't need to stop for directions."

Waitng with patience ... sort of. You'll notice Carole has a bottle of Aloe Vera. The OCD has just begun ...

This bear's for you, Hope!

A mother and daughter see each other for the first time after surgery. I love this shot.

And here we are ...

Susan is like you, Hope ...

"How bad is it Carole?"

"It's pretty bad, Trese! I was shaking from laughing so hard when you were talking to that man with his mouth wired shut and spilled the coffee!" "Lauging? What, you didn't think he looked cool?" "NO!!!"

The bear and Hope recovering together ...

"I'm in pain!" "I know, Hope and we're right here. Hey, we met a guy whose mouth was wired shut and I thought he looked really cool. I was trying to sign with him and ..."

Hope gave me that look, "Don't start that sh*t with me now, Theresa." Enough said.

Hope's call list.

The calls have officially begun ...

Hey, where's the Aloe Vera???

"On the phone again. I just can't wait to get on the phone again. I find love is talking with my friends, and I can't wait to get on the phone again!"

I'm not calling anyone. I'm drinking my mocha. Yeah, I'm CHIPPER alright ... now. ;)

All in the family. Another phone, another call. I'm too busy taking pictures!

And we have the Aloe Vera AGAIN!

Okay, so the nurse said she hadn't seen anything like us in her 30 years of nursing. I'm taking that as a compliment. I like being delusional, or is that considered something else?

The priest forgot his phone, but I'm guessing he's talking to Jesus! Thanks for the prayers ...

Hope, we're taking your mom home and leaving you here!

But first, Carole wants her to use some ALOE VERA!!!

Yeah, I'd throw up at that one, too. Good job of taking care of your aunt, Susan!

| Greg Trooper, Joy Lynn White and More Artists | Malcolm Holcombe at Jeze-Belles Concert Series | Peter Cooper At Jeze-Belles | Frank Black with Duane Jarvis, Billy Block andEric | Acoustic Coffee House, Johnson City, TN | contact theresa halfacre promotions | Theresa | The Unnofficial Half | We Did it Together | Return Home |

Copyright © 2006, Malcombe Holcombe will be performing at Jeze-Belles Coffeehouse. All rights reserved.